Buy and wear, tie the shemagh

* shemagh * yashmag * ghutra * hatta * keffiyeh * arab scarf *


How to wear or tie shemagh, ghutra?

The Shemagh is also known as a keffiyeh, shmagh or ghutra, yashmag or a hatta, and is a traditional headdress of Arabian people, made of a square of cloth (" arab scarf"), usually cotton, folded and tied in various styles around the head. It is commonly found in arid climate areas to provide protection from direct sun exposure, as well as for occasional use in protecting the eyes and mouth from blown dust and sand.

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Where to buy shemagh online?

We offer wide selection of arab scarves (shemagh scarves)

Use only the genuine Top Quality Arab scarves! This Arab scarf also known as Keffiyeh or Shemag are the traditional Arab symbol wear. The Arab ghutra is the new fashion trend, making you feel like the royal sheikhs! Can be used as a scarf and as a head covering, made of fine cotton and really comfortable to wear. We offer many different light colored patterns of the Shemags giving you a big selection of arab scarves to choose from.

Premium Shemagh Head Neck Scarf

Military Shemagh Tactical 100% Cotton Arab Scarf

Fox Outdoor Tactical Shemagh


Coyote Military Shemagh Arab Tactical Desert Keffiyeh Scarf

Maddog® Sports Shemagh Tactical Desert Scarf


Tactical Desert Shemagh Arab Keffiyeh Neck Scarf Tan

These Arab scarves (Shemagh) is made of 100% premium cotton by world known producers. This Arab yashmag will always make you look stylish, keep you warm in the winter and cool on the breezy summer days. The original genuine Top Quality Shawls & Pashmina Scarves. Here you will find brand new Shawls and pashminas, all in top quality and really comfortable to wear.

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